Taylor Vance
I became a gearhead early in life, tearing apart VW engines with the help of The Complete Idiot. After high school, it was a 240z, and I was the only mechanic I could afford. College got in the way and life happened but I met a friend at work who was the head medical guy for the SFR SCCA. I went to the track and was hooked. Got tired of watching the cars go round and wanted to try myself. Now racing in Spec Miata when I get spare time.
- Hometown
- Austin, Texas
Hooverspeed Members
Ward Rose #06
Izzy Sanchez
Keith Andersen
tao Takaoka #34
Joseph Carl
Steve Borlik #15
Kevin Lachance
David Vodden
MARC HOOVER Team Captain
Taylor Vance
Wilson Powell
Team Shiba Members
Doron Dreksler
tao Takaoka #34 Team Captain
Lawrence Murdter
Teresa Daly
Taylor Vance